What’s Dragon’s of Terra about?

What’s Dragon’s of Terra about?

Dragons, mostly. Just kidding, it’s a little more involved than that. Here’s a little teaser: The Dragons of Terra: Blood and Moss, takes place in a world where dragons are as common as bears or wolves, but far more dangerous. The story focuses on the most...
Why should I read it?

Why should I read it?

Good question. There’s a ton of amazing fantasy out there, and only so much time to read. I’m obviously bias that my book is worth reading, so let’s take a step back. If these three things describe you, DoT might be working checking out: You’ve...
Who the hell is Brian Naslund?

Who the hell is Brian Naslund?

Brian Naslund lives in Colorado, where he works in tech during the day and writes fantasy novels by night. In the summer, he goes whitewater kayaking as often as possible. In the winter, he skis just enough to keep seasonal affective disorder in check. He has what can...